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integrierte Software-Entwicklungsumgebung (IPSE) [ ICT TERM ]

environnement intégré de développement logiciel; (ipse) [ ICT TERM ]

Integrität [ ICT TERM ]

intégrité [ ICT TERM ]

Interaktion [ ICT TERM ]

interaction [ ICT TERM ]

Interconnected Networks [ ICT TERM ]

réseaux interconnectés [ ICT TERM ]

Interimsausweis m [ VSA ]

permis provisoire m [ VSA ]

internes Kontrollsystem (IKS) [ ICT TERM ]

système de contrôle interne [ ICT TERM ]

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) [ ICT TERM ]

internet corporation for assigned names and numbers (icann) [ ICT TERM ]

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) [ ICT TERM ]

internet engineering task force (ietf) [ ICT TERM ]

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) [ ICT TERM ]

protocole de messagerie imap; (imap) [ ICT TERM ]

Internet Service Provider (ISP) [ ICT TERM ]

fournisseur de services internet (fsi); fournisseur d'accès internet (fai) [ ICT TERM ]

Internet [ ICT TERM ]

internet [ ICT TERM ]

Internet-Auftritt [ ICT TERM ]

présence internet [ ICT TERM ]

Internet-Zugang; Internet-Anbindung [ ICT TERM ]

accès internet [ ICT TERM ]

Internetkriminalität; Cyberkriminalität [ ICT TERM ]

cybercriminalité [ ICT TERM ]

Interoperabilität [ ICT TERM ]

interopérabilité [ ICT TERM ]

intranet [ ICT TERM ]

intranet [ ICT TERM ]

Intrinsischer Wert [ ICA ]

(valeur intrinsèque) [ ICA ]

Intus-Vermerk [ ICA ]

(partie du) titre (d'un dossier) [ ICA ]

Invalidenversicherung (IV) f [ VSA ]

assurance invalidité (ai) f [ VSA ]

Inventar n [ VSA ]

inventaire m [ VSA ]

Inventar n, analytisches [ VSA ]

inventaire analytique m [ VSA ]

Inventar n, grobes, Inventarliste f (vorläufige) [ VSA ]

inventaire sommaire m [ VSA ]

Inventar [ ICA ]

(inventaire) [ ICA ]

Inventare n/pl und Hilfsmittel n/pl [ VSA ]

état des inventaires et des outils de travail m [ VSA ]

Inventarnummer f, Zugangsnummer f [ VSA ]

numéro d'entrée m [ VSA ]

Investitionsbeitrag m [ VSA ]

subvention aux investissements f [ VSA ]

IP-Adresse [ ICT TERM ]

adresse ip [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Architektur; Informatikarchitektur [ ICT TERM ]

architecture informatique [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Dienstleistung; Informatikdienstleistung; Informatikleistung [ ICT TERM ]

prestation de service informatique; prestation informatique [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Infrastruktur; Informatikinfrastruktur [ ICT TERM ]

infrastructure informatique; infrastructure ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Management; Informatikmanagement [ ICT TERM ]

gestion informatique [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Mittel; Informatikmittel [ ICT TERM ]

moyen informatique [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Plattform; Informatikplattform [ ICT TERM ]

plateforme informatique; plateforme ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Portfolio; Informatikportfolio [ ICT TERM ]

portefeuille informatique [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Produkt; Informatikprodukt [ ICT TERM ]

produit informatique; produit ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Programm; Informatikprogramm [ ICT TERM ]

programme informatique; programme ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Projekt; Informatikprojekt; Informatikvorhaben [ ICT TERM ]

projet informatique; projet ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Projektportfolio; Informatik-Projektportfolio [ ICT TERM ]

portefeuille de projets informatiques; portefeuille de projets ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Qualitätssystem; IT-QS-System [ ICT TERM ]

système assurance qualité ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Revision; Informatikrevision [ ICT TERM ]

audit informatique [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Service; Informatikdienst [ ICT TERM ]

service informatique; service ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Sicherheit; Informatiksicherheit [ ICT TERM ]

sécurité informatique; sécurité ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Strategie; Informatikstrategie [ ICT TERM ]

stratégie informatique; stratégie ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Support; Informatikunterstützung [ ICT TERM ]

soutien informatique; soutien ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-System; Informatiksystem; (IS) [ ICT TERM ]

système informatique; système ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Technik; Informatiktechnik [ ICT TERM ]

technique informatique; technique ti [ ICT TERM ]

IT-Technologie; Informatiktechnologie [ ICT TERM ]

technologie informatique; technologie ti [ ICT TERM ]

IuD (Information und Dokumentation) [ ICA ]

documentation(1) [ ICA ]

Ius archivi [ ICA ]

(droit d'avoir des archives avec croyance officielle) [ ICA ]

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